
    We aim to reduce, mitigate and be able to adapt to the impacts of changing weather patterns. 

    农业, forestry and other land use sectors account for almost a quarter of manmade global warming pollution, 它的农民, 供应商, 处理器, and broader communities often suffer its direct and indirect effects on livelihoods and health.


    There are many interrelated activities which we undertake to address climate change. 推荐几个足彩外围app专注于将产生重大影响的关键领域. 为了衡量推荐几个足彩外围app的进步,推荐几个足彩外围app设定了一系列目标. 

    Read about some of our climate action-related activities and progress against our goals over the last year in our most recent annual report.


    We have been working on climate change risk modelling and GHG reductions and valorisation to cut emissions within our own operations and our supply chain. 通过推荐几个足彩外围app的专有平台Terrascope, 推荐几个足彩外围app改进了报告能力和分析能力, enabling us to successfully prioritise effective strategies to reduce emissions.

    The system allows us to aggregate data from multiple sources and to identify gaps required to enhance the accuracy of carbon measurement. It offers the flexibility to interrogate and present data at a granular farm level, 一直到宏观业务层面.

    We are currently undertaking a pilot with a small group of external organisations. In the future we will offer the platform to customers as a paid service to help them measure and manage the effectiveness of their carbon reduction programme and support them on their journey towards achieving net-zero.


    We continue to review our own operations and supply chain, to make positive changes. 然而,推荐几个足彩外围app无法单独完成所需的更改级别. We are active in a number of sector-wide initiatives and are collaborating with customers to help them mitigate their environmental impacts.

    推荐买球平台 and sector programmes to build smallholder farmer resilience through:

    • 气候智能型农业实践
    • 以净碳正影响为目标的景观再生
    • Monitoring and prohibiting conversion or degradation of critical habitats
    • 减少农业、加工和运输的排放
    • Public commitment and reporting via the Science Based Target Initiative and CDP 



    On a tropical mountainside in 墨西哥, farmers are planting new coffee saplings and forest trees. Find out how this reforestation project conserves biodiversity and provides sustainable livelihoods.


    水稻种植是导致气候变化的主要因素, emitting 10% of all global man-made methane emissions and is a significant consumer of water, while being a key source of nutrition and income for millions of small-scale farmers.
